Wednesday, August 1, 2007

sensible shoes


Friday, August 24, 2007

Top-Mod's sandals irritate me for some reason. Just seeing them in the hallway outside her door irks me. I own Tevas, so it's not that I'm prejudiced against all ugly, comfortable sandals. OTOH, while I =heart= my Tevas for camping, grilling, beach trips, the German practice of wearing them with skirts and nylons baffles me. Top-Model pairs these sandals with airy pastel skirts. Somehow they scream frustration.Maybe it's that I did so much work to figure out my own style, and that she seems to be angry with me for having that. As if it's something that was just handed to me and will remain definitively out of her grasp. When I first moved in, she couldn't stop complimenting all my random, well, everything. Even stuff I term "slouch gear," things that make my mother worry I don't know how to dress for work. Like the blue no-name eyeglasses I wear around the house so as to prolong the life of my overpriced, delicate Exte rimless ones from a high-end shop. She could walk into any Fielmann or Apollo or whatever and get the same mediocre service and substandard quality I got. Now it seems that anything I have or do that she actually likes just makes her more angry. As though she has to punish me for her "having" to wear 'safe' sandals.